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Ad Tech Privacy : Legal and Regulatory Developments

April 11, 2023

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The legal and regulatory privacy landscape is evolving rapidly. The Ad Tech privacy space, in particular, is facing significant compliance and regulatory challenges in light of the recent enactment of comprehensive privacy legislation that regulates Ad Tech and increased regulatory scrutiny and enforcement. As a result, the Ad Tech space is one to keep an eye on.

Our webinar will cover the following topics:

  1. How recently enacted privacy laws (including U.S. state comprehensive privacy laws) affect the Ad Tech industry
  2. Notable regulatory developments impacting the Ad Tech industry
  3. How players in the Ad Tech ecosystem should approach privacy compliance in the wake of recent developments

About the Facilitators:


Jayson B. Lewis

Senior Associate, Privacy & Information Security at Kelley Drye & Warren LLP


Priya Keshav

Founder & CEO

Meru Data LLC